MongoDB (5 days)
Overview - SQL/NoSQL
- Datastore design considerations
- Relational v/s NoSQL stores
- Entities, Relationships and Database modeling
- When to use Relational/NoSQL
- Relational Storage Structures
- Categories of NoSQL stores
- Examples of NoSQL stores
- NoSQL Storage Structures
Data Formats
- What are Data Formats
- Difference between Data Formats and Data Structures
- Serializing and de-serializing data
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- The JSON Data Format
- BSON Data Format
- Advantages of BSON
Introduction to MongoDB
- Key Features of MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB
- Starting and Stopping the server
- Important file system locations
- Using the shell
- Integrating with other languages
MongoDB Concepts
- Servers
- Connections
- Databases
- Collections
- Documents
- Fields
- Indexes
- A look at a few use cases
- Insert (C)
- Simple Query Examples (R)
- Update (U)
- Remove (D)
- Capped Collections
- Setting up Profiling
- Indexing concepts
- Types of Indexes
- Indexes covering queries
Querying MongoDB
- Query Expression Objects
- Query Options
- Cursors
- Mongo Query Language
- Dot Notation
- Full Text Search
- Cursors
- Adding Custom JavaScript
Advanced querying
- Joins
- Server-side v/s Client-side querying
- Retrieving a subset of fields
- Conditional operators
- Aggregation
- Grouping
- Projections
- Why Replication?
- Difference between replication and backup
- Replication Setups
- Master/Slave Replication
- Replica sets
- Setting up an Arbiter
- Failover
- Using data for replication analysis
- Oplogs
- Heartbeats
- Removing replica set members
- Overriding the default sync target
- Write concerns Dummy Project
Angular (5 days)
Angular 8
- Introduction to Angular
- Introduction to Single Page Applications
- New features in Angular recent versions
- Angular architecture and benefits
- Angular support for MVC
- Getting started with Angular
- Building Simple Components
- Understanding Modules
- Grammar conventions
- @NgModule decorator
- Import and export modules
- Declarations in module o Registering Components o Registering Pipes
- Registering providers in module
- Bootstrapping component
- Components and Directives
- Built-in Components
- NgIf
- NgSwitch
- NgStyle
- NgClass
- NgFor
- Getting an index
- NgNonBindable
- NgPluralCase
- Custom Components
- Component Decorator
- Exporting components
- Templates and TemplateUrl
- Styles and styleUrls
- [Inputs] and [outputs]
- @Input and @Output
- Accessing elements using Reference (#ref)
- Defining events
- Event target properties
- Angular Forms
- Template Driven Forms
- NgForm and NgModel
- FormsModule
- Reactive Forms
- FormControl and FormGroup
- ReactiveFormsModule
- Using Validators
- Custom validators
- Watching form changes
- Dependency Injection
- Injecting on components
- Global injection on modules
- Providers
- Hierarchical injection Pipes
- Built-in pipes
- json
- slice
- uppercase
- lowercase
- number
- percent
- currency
- date
- async
- Custom pipes
- Lifecycle Hooks
- OnInit interface
- OnInit and OnDestroy
- OnChanges
- Constructor vs ngOnInit Injectable Services
- Built-in Services
- Creating Custom services
- Registering services in module
- Registering services in Component
- Injecting Services in Constructor
- Need for @Injectable Stream programming with RxJS
- EventEmitter
- Creating observables
- Observer
- Subscribers
- Promise
- Angular Routing
- Map method Routing and Navigation
- Importing RouterModule
- Creating Routes
- Path and Components
- Exporting Routes
- Passing Route parameters
- ActivatedRoute
- Params.snapshot
- Subscribing parameters
- Passing multiple parameters
- RouterOutlet using <router-outlet>
- RouterLink using [routerLink]
- Defining child routes Http Services
- Importing HttpModule
- Requesting REST services
- RequestOptions
- Consuming Results
NODEJS (5 days)
JS in the Server
- A short history of Javascript
- Javascript in the server
- Difference between JS as a programming language and JS in the browser
- Node.js as a Javascript shell
- Node.js Hello World
- Reading command line arguments
- Working with Console APIs
Sync v/s Async
- Synchronous programming
- Asynchronous programming
- Event driven, single-threaded server
- Multi-threaded server
- Async gotchas (or things to remember when using Node)
- Cluster APIs
- Async module
File System APIs
- Reading files
- Writing files
- Synchronous v/s Asynchronous operations
- Working with directories
- Buffers
- Built-in modules
- Writing your own modules
- Installing 3rd party modules using npm
- Forever
- ExpressJS
- SocketIO
Misc (skim)
- Debugging Node.js apps
- Timers
- Deploying Node.js apps
- Exception Handling
- Logging Dummy Project
Express JS (4 days)
Getting Started
- Installation
- What is Express?
Routing and URL Building
- Basic routing in an Express application
- HTTP method
- Using dynamic routes
- What is “Middleware”?
- Learn to write a simple middleware function
- Understanding Templating
- Installing templating engine for Express
- Using template engines with Expres
- Using Pug – a case study
Database Integration in Express
- Learn to connect databases to Express apps
- Connecting to MongoDB – a case study
- REST principles
- RESTful URIs and methods
- Creating API in Express
- What is Scaffolding?
- Scaffolding tools for Express
Error handling and Debugging
- Error handling in Express using middleware
- Functions for error handling
- Express Debug module
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