Corporate Trainer & Software Consultant , INDIA

REACT Course Contents

Duration: 1 1/2 Month

Prerequisite - Any individual who possesses the knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals is eligible for joining our React Standard course.

Course Objectives - The objective of our training institute to introduce this course to the potential students is to make them familiar with the essential ReactJS concepts in the simplest & creative way so that by the end of the React JS classes, they will be able to create a rich user interface.
Also, our institute is having professional React instructor who will be focusing on the areas that involve ReactJs installation, usage as frontend framework and how to bind it with backend API'S.

Lab Setup Details :

Hardware requirement: 

CPU :   I4/I5 , Hard Disk : 50GB , RAM :8 GB

Lab Setup Details :
Hardware requirement: 

CPU :   I4/I5 , Hard Disk : 50GB , RAM :8 GB

Software Requirement:

   - MSOFFICE 2010
   VER 7.5.1)
   - Visual Studio Code
   - Browser Google Chrome  OS Window 10

Module 1 - Introduction and Setup of React
•    Introduction
•    How React Works
•    Single Page Apps
•    React Setup
•    Understanding Basic Features & Syntax

Module 2 - React Essentials
•    Lists and Conditionals
•    Outputting Lists
•    Conditional Output
•    Components in React
•    Styling React Components and Elements
•    Nesting Components
•    Stateless Components
•    Debugging React Apps

Module 3 - Exploring React Advanced
•    State in React
•    React Dev Tools
•    DOM Events
•    Changing State
•    'this' in React
•    Forms and Form Validation
•    Props
•    Functions as Props

Module 4 - Router, DOM, and Hooks in React
•    Recap & Virtual DOM
•    The React Router
•    Links & NavLinks
•    Programmatic Redirects
•    Higher Order Components
•    Using Axios - A Fake Restful API
•    Route Parameters
•    Switch Tag
•    Importing Images
•    Hooks in React

Module 5 - Redux and Actions
•    Introduction to Redux
•    Redux Stores
•    Redux Actions
•    Redux Reducers
•    Store Subscriptions
•    Setting up Redux in React
•    Mapping State to Props
•    Map Dispatch to Props
•    Action Creators
•    Testing
•    Deploying the App to Web
•    Test and Project

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